Joey Ogden is a Photographer and All-Things-Video person from Brewster, Massachusetts.

His Cinematography work has been recognized and celebrated at film festivals such as the Chattanooga Film Festival, ShockFest, Salem Horror Fest, Another Hole in the Head Film Festival, Boston Sci-Fi Festival, and the Philadelphia Unknown Film Festival.

His recent Cinematography work for Nick Verdi’s, Sweet Relief, has been recently picked up for distribution by Art Brut Films in Los Angeles. Featuring a prominent cast of local actors from Western Massachusetts, and Paul Lazar from films such as, Silence of the Lambs, and, Snowpiercer, this film has received underground praise and will see its theatrical release in the coming months.

Outside of filmmaking, Joey is an avid photographer, interested in the day to day lives of people in rural and city environments. Additionally, he enjoys capturing natural spaces with as little human presence as possible. This duality creates a link between humanity and how we’re methodically separating ourselves from our own natural environment. His work has been featured in PhotoLounge’s Film in Focus, and the 20/20 Photo Festival in Philadelphia. He’s currently working on long-term projects including Birds of a Tether, North American Coastlines, and an untitled book on Philadelphia.

You can find his work here and on instagram @josephotogden.